Portfolio of Robert J. Maxwell

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My ASU degree

A Review of My Education at ASU



 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies


****The degree consists of four core classes and two concentrations:



Four Core Classes


BIS 301 – This was an introductory class to the “BIS” degree.  It helped me to begin to think with interdisciplinary points of view.  I also completed a written portfolio.


BIS 302 – This course involved interdisciplinary concepts and how they applied to real research.  I was able to learn more about research principles and techniques and how they apply to real life situation.


BIS 401- This course was actually an internship.  My Internship is being completed at the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce.  This is an exciting opportunity to use my language, cultural, ASU studies, and my general experience all together in interdisciplinary application.  I am working with real life business situations and am able to develop myself in a powerful way.


BIS 402 – This is a capstone course to my degree.  I have been able to study classics works as well as contemporary literature on money and meaning and the two together, how they relate, and how I can apply the principles of each to life.  This gives me an edge on others, because I am able to think with interdisciplinary application.


Why a bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies?


I wanted to be able to integrate my language ability into international business with more hands on application and ability.  I feel that the BIS program has helped me immensly be able to apply both areas together with more power and affect than merely a major and a minor.  I wanted my degree to be something special and meaningful, not only for me, but for my associates and my family. The BIS program at ASU has given me the edge and perspectives I needed to apply my learning experience.


Click to see descriptions of concentration courses taken at Arizona State University